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As a member, you get access to unlimited signature classes, expert personal training, personalized Pilates, unparalleled Club spaces, and access to the bluemaxx+ app.

Unlimited Signature Classes
All classes at Bluemaxx are created and developed by the industry’s best minds and taught by talented instructors who test your limits and inspire results. Every class is booked in advance and complimentary to you as a member in our clubs and on the Bluemaxx app.

Expert Personal Training
Gain strength and improve flexibility with in-club Studio Pilates sessions on the finest equipment. All sessions are led by our certified instructors who have a minimum of 400 hours of experience.

Personalized Pilates
Gain strength and improve flexibility with in-club Studio Pilates sessions on the finest equipment. All sessions are led by our certified instructors who have a minimum of 400 hours of experience.

Unparalleled Spaces
From immaculately maintained dedicated studios to expansive strength floors with pristine equipment, you’ll be inspired toward results—and excited for every visit. Every space is designed uniquely to be bespoke to the Club location.