Raising the power of performance
One-on-One training at Bluemaxx is backed by our Health Advisory Board. This proprietary operating system, built to advance full health optimization, decodes and unlocks the peak of your potential, redefining High-Performance Living on a whole new scale.
This is more than training, it’s the first-of-its-kind, data-driven and expert led path to unlocking your absolute best and achieving extraordinary results.
Armed with advanced education, equipment, and training, Bluemaxx Coaches are the exponent in maximizing potential and pushing human performance forward. Certified by the Bluemaxx Fitness Training Institute
Trained, educated, and backed by our Health Advisory Board, Equinox Coaches are certified to develop programs for total body conditioning, specialized needs, and advanced health optimization.
Equifit is the first step in understanding and maximizing your potential. Equinox certified Coaches use this assessment protocol to develop performance plans tailored to individual need, want, and goal. Equifit assessments can be done every six months to track improvement and tailor programs during the lifelong fitness journey.

Science-Backed, Research-Led
Fitness innovation is driven by our Health Advisory Board and Coaches certified by the Bluemaxx Fitness Training Institute.
Data Collection
Expert-led physiological and performance assessments establish your baseline.
Engineered Results
Best-in-class coaching and education tailored to achieve extraordinary results.
Performance Visualization
Member-owned data tracking and transparency for continuous improvement and goal creation.
Performance Visualization
Member-owned data tracking and transparency for continuous improvement and goal creation.
Developed by Bluemaxx and Function Health, optimize combines biometric analysis and elite training to deliver extrodinary results.